Credit cards are everywhere. A decade ago, many merchants could get away with refusing these payment methods, but those days are long gone. Now, credit cards are indispensable for businesses ranging from small local coffee shops to the world’s largest online retailers.
While this usually benefits companies, it presents new complications for a select few. Consumers often want to pay for their orders with credit cards, but this can result in steep card processing fees for merchants who sell big-ticket items. This should be a familiar problem for car dealers, who usually only permit partial credit payments.
But processing can also go from a necessary inconvenience to a frustrating money vacuum for these distributors. Monthly statements can start to feel like a Trojan horse, as they usually come with a host of extra costs hidden within. This makes budgeting and accounting more difficult and saps important resources.
Thankfully, there is a solution. All-inclusive pricing plans do away with confusing monthly statements and help merchants understand their true financial circumstances. If you’re still curious about how car dealerships can take advantage of this method, these points should clarify the issue for you.
Dealers Only Pay One Fee
It’s hard to know if you’re being charged correctly when you have to do complex calculations just to figure out how much you owe your credit card processing company each month. Like any business, car dealerships operate on tight budgets, so owners can’t afford to pay extra for these services.
When dealers sign up for all-inclusive pricing plans, they only have to pay one flat rate each month. No math, no fuss, no muss. Just one fee that covers the merchant’s sales volume for that month and nothing more.
These Plans Eliminate Confusion from Monthly Statements
Monthly statements are not novels. You shouldn’t have to scrutinize every detail to understand the crux of what they’re conveying. But many dealer owners have to sit down and go through their bills with a fine-toothed comb every month just to make sure everything is in order. They could devote this time to other, more pressing aspects of their business, but instead they have to waste it on a process that should be simple and upfront.
All-inclusive card processing plans can save dealers from this struggle. Since merchants only pay one fee, their bills will be easier to understand. As a result, these businesspeople can anticipate a stress-fee experience when they open their monthly statements.
No Hidden Fees, No Unexpected Costs
Hidden fees aren’t just nasty surprises. They can have serious financial repercussions for car dealerships. Even a slight overage can throw off a dealer’s budget for the month, so a processing plan littered with fine print can have a dire effect on these small businesses.
Merchants won’t have to worry about this problem when they reach an all-inclusive agreement. Common charges like administration, terminal and debit fees don’t apply to these plans, leaving merchants to bask in the simplicity of a streamlined billing process.
Trustworthy Service and a Host of Extra Features
All-inclusive plans aren’t just valuable because they’re simple. They also feature enviable perks that make them ideal for all manner of businesses. Free chargeback protection ensures that merchants don’t have to forfeit up to $1,000 worth of penalties, while next-day deposits mean that dealers receive their payments faster. This added convenience goes hand-in-hand with the plan’s efficient approach to provide unmatched value.